Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Virgin territory

Well this is a new experience for me... I guess that the happenings of the last wee while have got me thinking even more than is normal.

So why not put it down in writing? Maybe even get some feedback form friends? :)

The prospect of being made redundant (again) is surprising me in it's lack of intensity. Yes, it's stressful, but it is more a feeling of new opportunity rather than lost opportunity. Remains to be seen what direction that opportunity takes me, but I have the confidence in my abilities to make it work regardless :) so it's all good!

The whole polyamorous journey has, to date, been an amazingly positive one... I feel blessed in the choices we are making as a couple, both with our relationship with each other and also in the friendships we are developing. For those of you who don't know, my beautiful, sexy and kinky wife is petite1nz :) and her Dom (velvet_steel) is fast becoming a very close friend to me as well - and how they relate and feel for each other makes my heart sing! <3

Life is feeling busy but good...