Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Go figure

What is it about people that won't hire you because you're "over-qualified"? What a crock that is...

Might as well just say "Oh no you're too good for us. We couldn't hire you as you might actually have some independent thought! We want someone with no talent whatsoever, that way we can pay them crap money and then fire their ass when they don't perform!"

Now in my mind, if someone wants a job with you and they have the skills and desire to do that job at the money on offer... give them the damn job! Ok, they may get bored in a couple of years, but at least you get someone decent in that time! Who stays in jobs for more than a few years these days anyway? An employer should not expect any more than that, in my book. Gone are the days of 'a job for life'. Shit, my brain would melt if I had the same job all my working career!!

I tell you, it's getting to the point where I can here myself saying "Would you like fries with that?" *shudder*

Monday, September 1, 2008

Strike two

Hmmm, yes it's taken me a while to get to my second attempt. This has been due mainly to the (then) imminent redundancy become oh so real... and of course, the fall-out emotionally was a little (read: a lot) more intense than I expected/wanted to admit.

Mostly through the sense of self-pity now... getting over myself slowly :) lol Attitude is just a decision after all, though the emotions are all too real.

So time to move on. Of course, while all this happens, life carries on regardless! Attended the most wonderful party on Saturday (hi guys! *mwuah*) and had such a blast... proving again that intelligent conversation and great company (especially the kinky kind) beats a drunken night hands-down!!

Yesterday I held auditions for the play I am directing: "Secondary Cause of Death" by Peter Gordon. It is an Agatha Christie spoof and is very, very funny! Think a combination of Basil Fawlty and Inspector Clouseau and you will have some idea. I am absolutely delighted with the cast I have to work with... there really is some amazing talent in the amateur theatre ranks in New Zealand! More details in later posts regarding progress... never fear, I will let you know dates and how/where to book so you can come along!

It is my full length directorial debut, so I am a little nervous. But the process so far has been huge fun, so it's all good! I have been involved in theatre since I was 13, having meet my gorgeous love in my second ever show (yes I was 14 at the time!), so theatre has always been good to me. :)

Now to get a job...